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24 April 2023 - 29 April 2023
Accra, Ghana
AfricaBerlin Network Delegation Trip to Ghana

Goethe Institut Ghana

Imagine you come home and want to enter your apartment, but the door leading into the building remains closed. Or, you are mistaken for someone else at the airport checkpoint. All of this happens because you are a black woman and facial recognition misidentified you because of those two features.  "Robots in Residence" address questions of artificial intelligence, machine learning, the impact of algorithms and the question to what extent AI is neutral or can normalize, solidify or dismantle racism. Starting with why most robots are white and black people have difficulty finding a suitable avatar and emojis often don't reflect cultural differences. 
Read more: https://www.goethe.de/ins/gh/en/kul/bib/rir.html


Zipline was founded to create the first logistics system that serves all humans equally. Our aim is to solve the world’s most urgent and complex access challenges. Leveraging expertise in robotics and autonomy, Zipline designs, manufactures and operates the world’s largest automated delivery system. Zipline serves tens of millions of people around the world and is making good on the promise of building an equitable and more resilient global supply chain.
Read more: https://www.flyzipline.com/

Google AI Lab

When we launched our first African AI research centre in Ghana in 2018, we did so with the aim of fostering the continent’s growing capabilities in the field, to deliver innovative solutions that will benefit both Africa and the world, working with local universities and research centres, as well as working with policymakers on the potential uses of AI in Africa. Since its launch, the team at the Accra-based Research Centre has engaged in significant AI work, including mapping Africa’s built environment using satellite imagery and machine learning, which allowed to quadruple the number of African buildings on Google Maps, bringing the number up past 250-million.
Read more: https://blog.google/intl/en-africa/company-news/technology/google-research-enhances-its-ai-grow/

Node Eight

Our mission is to build a pipeline of ethical digital talents and investment-ready technology enabled African startups. We are passionate about innovation and digital entrepreneurship because we believe it the most sustainable route to mitigating youth unemployment, building wealth, and local economic development.
Read more: https://nodeeight.org/

Closed since 20 May 2023
Accra, Ghana
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